Art, Architecture and Design

Gavin stamp Gavin Stamp

Gavin Stamp

Lost Victorian Britain: Destruction of 19th Century’s Architectural Masterpieces

3:00pm | Saturday 21 September 2013
Tickets: Duration: Venue:
£11 1 Hour The Oxfordshire Museum
About this Event:

Architectural historian Gavin Stamp exposes the callous disregard for Victorian architecture displayed through most of the 20th century. While today we glory in a restored St Pancras station, many architectural gems from the 19th century have been bulldozed to make way for ugly shopping centres and ring roads. Stamp highlights 200 notable Victorian buildings, of which only photographs remain. They range from the Imperial Institute in Kensington and Euston Arch to lesser known examples such as Columbia Market in East London and the soaring glasshouse at Chatsworth.

Stamp has written extensively about architectural history. His works include Britain’s Lost Cities and Edwin Lutyens Country Houses.